Cultural Tourism Tours in Tanzania

About Cultural Tourism Tours in Tanzania

While in Tanzania, Serengeti Insider Safaris will also give you an opportunity to explore the typical life of the local people with their daily activities. We believe that interacting with the locals(talk to them, eat with them, play with them, dance with them, et cetera), will help to make your expedition a memorable one. The following are just some of the exciting cultural tourism programs that can be added to your itinerary.

A visit to ILKIDING’A:
You will be shown Maasai Boma, the oldest African irrigation system, and experience waarusha culture and enjoy traditional food. You will also walk into the house of the traditional healer who will answer historical questions. Craftsmen group will show you small wooden stools, jewelers, knives, and traditional clothing.

A visit to ILKUROT
Its located 20km west of Arusha city along Nairobi road. Here you will have trekking experience of Ngorora Hill, thereafter visit Maasai Boma to have a true experience of African Culture on general Maasai life, Maasai dancing group, and visit Maasai colorful market.

A visit to LONGIDO
Near the Kenyan border, Namanga in Longido you will have a unique experience taming animals by camel ride, learn, and even act the Maasai way of life. Animal and Bird watching experience is what you can never miss a day in Longido.

A visit to SAPUK
On a cultural tour in Sapuk you will visit the amazing Waterfall, beautiful forest catchment, Hollytree view of the city of Arusha. The more you spend time on the tour the most you enjoy the tour and learn more.

A visit to the BUSHMEN
There are people who live in the forest near Lake Eyasi called “Bushmen” They live like the ancient men depending on gathering fruits, hunting animals, and live in caves or forest. They don’t wear clothes. The cultural tourism visit to this area will enable you to see them. Natural walking is taking place around the area. The tour takes two/three nights and there are five campsites that can offer accommodation.

A visit to MTO WA MBU
Situated adjacent to Lake Manyara National Park. In MtoWaMbu is the only point in Africa where 4 languages meet; the Nilotes, Cush*tes, Bantu, and Hamites a unique cultural feature in the World. A point in Tanzania where anthropology is most diverse. Visit Maasai boma, dancing, market, schools, and community projects will be offered. Maasai village visit to foster the true experience of most complex cultural experience in Africa is a gift will be hard to forget in your entire life. Hike the rift valley wall and view the Lake Manyara.

A visit to MONDULI JUU
Situated 50km northwest of Arusha on the road to the Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. You will experience the walking and trekking of Monduli Mountains, visit Maasai women on Jewellery and handcrafts. The “Kona Saba” escarpment climb, medicinal herbs tour, evergreen rain forest tour and a rest at astonishing panorama’s overlooking the rift valley and the only active volcano in Tanzania, OldonyoLengai Mountain(the mountain of god)

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